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All Types Feminism

1. Black Feminism

Black feminism emerged as a challenge to the assumption made by these white feminist regarding there prerogative to speak for all women in general. Black feminism insist that sexy tave and resume are implicated in each other. The operation of women cannot be understand and addressed without reference to racism. Dennis trusted the white feminist a strong hold Ever feminism as theory and practice.Black feminism demand and an acknowledgement of the diversity in feminist concerns. While they confront the stereotypes imposed on them not only by white people but also by black man. According to the the Claudia joine a trinidad born activists.

Hindi film radio and press the Marco woman is not pictured in in their real rule age bread winner mother and protector at the family bi feminism emerged out of the history of activism emerged in by Maria St ward 1803 to 1880 Harriet Tubman 1822 to 1913.

In 1960 and 70's  the black feminism women emerged from the discounted with the the civil right movement as as well as the white feminist movement. In all the women are white. All the black are men but come of us are brave" gloriya hull patriua Belle Scott" and Barbra Smith'' explore the intersecnality

Aap black women in the discourse of the civil right movement and the the contemporary feminist movement.

Black women rights such as Toni Morrison, Alice walker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Maria Angelina have effectivity represented black women at centre of highly contested audiologist of race class and gender.

2. Gynocriticism

Gynocriticism was directed towards the the formulation of a woman's poetics. Gynocriticism was emphasizing the significance of women as writer. It entailed sympathique of female text and the the identifying the gaps in in text which were considered crucial for feminist criticism. Gynocriticism engages with the recovery of lost text by women writer and explode the different type make in the existing literary tradition. In 1979 Susan Sundar lenser and Evelyn tortum big insisted that of autonomous women centred epistemology mast comtitute the basic of gynocriticism. 

in 1980 Michael Barrett urged feminist Critics East to address the female literary tradition and determined its distinctive eastathetic value. in 1982 Elania Showalter coined the terms gana criticism a traditional of feminist criticism which focus on feminine as writer. The subject are the history, style, theme genres aap structure of writing by women. Lip Kings is one of the greatest gynocritics. Lip Kings theory is useful in understanding a particular kind of women literature.

Gynocriticism is often permitted with a sense of binary opposition of the masculine tradition as the self and the female tradition on the other without addressing the the complicity inherent in the category other. Sundar Gilbert and Hussain quba in the madwoman in the Attic 1979 and in the three volumes of of no Maria land 1988 focus on the the marginalisation, exclusion and control of women in literary representation.

Marxist and socialist feminism

It is difficult to distinguished between Marxist feminism and socialist feminism but the fundamental agenda that differences them is that while Marxist feminism persist class is the central factor for the social and economic cooperation of women socialist feminism thanks both gender and class as contributing factor.sexual ET and reproduction are also considered crucial agent of discrimination. Socialist feminism widened the scope of analysis and response to the reality of women operation by focusing on female sexuality. The Marxist criticism is best on the relationship between Patriarch and capitalism. Feminist were in confusion whether the the capitalism was responsible for women's operation.many Marxist and socialist feminist believes that women can form a separate class despite there differences.

                               Marxist and socialist feminist' s represent demarcation between private and public sphere of activity e maintained by the capital list for their on interest. Some important writers are Mar, Engels, Dilman and Kollonta.

The origin of family 1845 the issues between men and women have absolute sexcial freedom. The change in the system of production caused by gradual decline in women importance in society. Women become slaves to made sexual desire economic dominance.classical Marxist feminism believes that a communist society e heralding the end of capitalism among men and women.


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